CENTREPORT PASSENGER SURVEY 2024 Skip survey header CentrePort Passenger Survey Please answer each of the questions below to complete this survey. Which of the Route 30 loops do you ride? *This question is required. -- Please Select --East LoopAmon Carter LoopWest Loop How do you arrive at CentrePort Station? *This question is required. Ride TRE from Dallas County Ride TRE from Tarrant County Walk from a nearby Apartment/House Ride VIA from Arlington Other - Write In Please enter an 'other' value for this selection. Where are you employed? *This question is required. How many days a week do you normally travel to work at this location? *This question is required. -- Please Select --None1234567 What are your normal work hours? *This question is required. Start -- Please Select --12:00 am12:15 am12:30 am12:45 am1:00 am1:15 am1:30 am1:45 am2:00 am2:15 am2:30 am2:45 am3:00 am3:15 am3:30 am3:45 am4:00 am4:15 am4:30 am4:45 am5:00 am5:15 am5:30 am5:45 am6:00 am6:15 am6:30 am6:45 am7:00 am7:15 am7:30 am7:45 am8:00 am8:15 am8:30 am8:45 am9:00 am9:15 am9:30 am9:45 am10:00 am10:15 am10:30 am10:45 am11:00 am11:15 am11:30 am11:45 am12:00 pm12:15 pm12:30 pm12:45 pm1:00 pm1:15 pm1:30 pm1:45 pm2:00 pm2:15 pm2:30 pm2:45 pm3:00 pm3:15 pm3:30 pm3:45 pm4:00 pm4:15 pm4:30 pm4:45 pm5:00 pm5:15 pm5:30 pm5:45 pm6:00 pm6:15 pm6:30 pm6:45 pm7:00 pm7:15 pm7:30 pm7:45 pm8:00 pm8:15 pm8:30 pm8:45 pm9:00 pm9:15 pm9:30 pm9:45 pm10:00 pm10:15 pm10:30 pm10:45 pm11:00 pm11:15 pm11:30 pm11:45 pm End -- Please Select --12:00 am12:15 am12:30 am12:45 am1:00 am1:15 am1:30 am1:45 am2:00 am2:15 am2:30 am2:45 am3:00 am3:15 am3:30 am3:45 am4:00 am4:15 am4:30 am4:45 am5:00 am5:15 am5:30 am5:45 am6:00 am6:15 am6:30 am6:45 am7:00 am7:15 am7:30 am7:45 am8:00 am8:15 am8:30 am8:45 am9:00 am9:15 am9:30 am9:45 am10:00 am10:15 am10:30 am10:45 am11:00 am11:15 am11:30 am11:45 am12:00 pm12:15 pm12:30 pm12:45 pm1:00 pm1:15 pm1:30 pm1:45 pm2:00 pm2:15 pm2:30 pm2:45 pm3:00 pm3:15 pm3:30 pm3:45 pm4:00 pm4:15 pm4:30 pm4:45 pm5:00 pm5:15 pm5:30 pm5:45 pm6:00 pm6:15 pm6:30 pm6:45 pm7:00 pm7:15 pm7:30 pm7:45 pm8:00 pm8:15 pm8:30 pm8:45 pm9:00 pm9:15 pm9:30 pm9:45 pm10:00 pm10:15 pm10:30 pm10:45 pm11:00 pm11:15 pm11:30 pm11:45 pm Are your work hours flexible (can you leave a few minutes early or arrive a few minutes late)? *This question is required. Yes No Which bus stop is closest to your work location or where does the bus drop you off? *This question is required. CENTREPORT STATION WEST LOOP TRINITY/SKYVIEW AMERICAN/POST OAK AMERICAN/TRANSFORMATIONAL FAA/AMERICAN FAA/HWY 360 CENTREPORT/STAPLETON STATLER/WOODFOREST OTHER - WRITE IN Please enter an 'other' value for this selection. Which bus stop is closest to your work location or where does the bus drop you off? *This question is required. CENTREPORT STATION AMON CARTER LOOP AMON CARTER/TRINITY SOVEREIGN/B of A AMON CARTER/SOVEREIGN/USPS AMON CARTER/SOVEREIGN/FAA AMON CARTER/AMEAMERICAN AIRLINE WAY AMON CARTER/AA CREDIT UNION CHASE OTHER - WRITE IN Please enter an 'other' value for this selection. Which bus stop is closest to your work location or where does the bus drop you off? *This question is required. CENTREPORT STATION EAST LOOP CHASE CAMBRIDGE/FAA SOVERIGN EMPIRE/FAA EMPIRE/FRYE GRAND RIVER/ HIGH RIVER AMON CARTER/SOVEREIGN/FAA OTHER - WRITE IN Please enter an 'other' value for this selection. How many minutes does it take to walk from this bus stop your work location? *This question is required. This question requires a valid number format. Get the best in data analysis & reporting - Alchemer. Please take my survey now