Community Partners Program

What is the Community Partners Program?
The Community Partners program is designed for not-for-profit organizations to work with Trinity Metro to promote their resources and highlight the impacts both organizations make in the community.
Who may apply for this program?
Local not-for-profits, as defined by the IRS, in our service area currently meeting partner guidelines for Trinity Metro and Adsposure.
What benefits will partner organizations receive?
Each quarter Trinity Metro will commit to promoting the chosen agency’s resources through:
- Monthly social media posts
- Monthly features in the Make Your Move e-newsletter
- A write-up on the program landing page
- Opportunity to message Trinity Metro employees
- Advertising on three sides of the Trinity Metro and Adsposure Community Bus
- Opportunity for Trinity Metro employees to support one requested volunteer event
- Additional partner opportunities include the potential for the partner organization to host a Transit 101 and a ride along with Trinity Metro staff and join Trinity Metro’s EASYRIDE program
How long will partner organizations receive benefits?
Partner organizations will receive program benefits for one quarter with only one organization highlighted each quarter. Applications will be reviewed on an annual schedule and only four total partners will be selected each year. Selected organizations can only apply every two years.