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Federal face mask order enforced

Trinity Metro enforces federal face mask order

Trinity Metro’s long-held policy requiring riders to wear face coverings when riding in its vehicles and when within its facilities now has federal support due to the new executive order signed by President Biden requiring mask-wearing on public transportation.

The CDC issued this order late on Jan. 29, 2021, requiring the public to wear face masks while riding public transportation and while in transportation hubs and facilities. The order defines a mask as material covering the wearer’s nose and mouth and excludes face shields.

The CDC mask order went into effect at 11:59 p.m. on Feb. 1. Mask-wearing is one of several proven, science-based measures that can reduce the spread and transmission of COVID-19. Wearing face masks on public transit is a lifesaving measure that Trinity Metro wholeheartedly supports, and this guidance reflects the shared responsibility of transit systems and riders to take appropriate actions to get through this pandemic.

All persons on board Trinity Metro vehicles are required to wear a mask for their travel duration.

Trinity Metro operators will now:

  • Continue to encourage all riders to wear a face covering;
  • Instruct persons that federal law requires wearing a mask on the vehicle and failure to comply constitutes a violation of federal law;
  • Monitor persons onboard the vehicle for anyone who is not wearing a mask and seek compliance from such persons; and
  • At the earliest opportunity, contact a Trinity Metro supervisor or security officer to address the customer.

Similarly, at facilities and within transit stations and hubs, Trinity Metro personnel will:

  • Continue to encourage all visitors to wear a face covering;
  • Instruct persons that federal law requires wearing a mask in the transportation hub and failure to comply constitutes a violation of federal law;
  • Monitor persons on the premises of Trinity Metro’s facilities and vehicles. Anyone who is not wearing a mask will be asked to put one on or exit the transit agency’s property;
  • At the earliest opportunity, contact a Trinity Metro supervisor or security officer to address the customer. 

Trinity Metro strongly supports and will enforce the new CDC guidance requiring mask-wearing on public transportation. The agency remains committed to delivering its riders safely to their destination.