Start A VANPOOL:817-215-8600
VANPOOL is a service provided by Trinity Metro for a group of five or more commuters, usually who live and work near each other, who prefer to share the cost of getting to and from work.
Participating in VANPOOL has many benefits – lower transportation costs, less wear and tear on personal vehicles, reduced stress during commutes, plus the opportunity to meet new people and enjoy commuting with others. Choosing VANPOOL may also make riders eligible for savings on automobile insurance, which can be up to 15%. Riders should contact their insurance agents for more information. Trinity Metro will provide written verification of your VANPOOL participation upon request.
What does it cost?
The monthly cost is based on the VANPOOL participants’ vehicle choice and is a flat fee. Tolls and parking are additional. WEX fuel cards are provided by Commute with Enterprise and Trinity Metro covers the cost of gas to and from work. Payment is due in full by the 5th of each month.
What is the service area?
VANPOOL services originate from Tarrant, Johnson, Parker, Hood, Dallas, Ellis, Navarro, Erath, Palo Pinto and Somervell counties. The destination can be anywhere within the Dallas-Fort Worth region. Trinity Metro also serves Wise County in partnership with DCTA.
How many riders are needed?
VANPOOL requires a minimum of five participants with similar work hours, origination and destination points. A low ridership fee may be charged if your group’s ridership falls below five participants.
You can help keep monthly costs low by recruiting friends and coworkers to ride in your van if you are low on ridership.
Learn more
For more information or to enroll in the program, call 817.215.8600. Learn how you can start saving on transportation costs! The chart below shows monthly costs that are divided among the number of participants.

Yes, the rates listed are the reduced rates, after the Trinity Metro subsidy has been applied. Reporting your monthly NTD data qualifies the vanpool group to receive the subsidy from Trinity Metro.
The crossover will be the Nissan Pathfinder, or similar.
The current vehicles used in this category are the Chevy Suburban and a Ford Expedition. Additional vehicles could be added in the future.
When your vehicle reaches 75,000 miles, or you have an increase/decrease in ridership, you can request a different vehicle.
Yes. You will receive a WEX fuel card to be used for your vanpool group.
Yes, you will be able to use toll roads and the cost will be billed back to your vanpool group.
Traditional vanpooling calls for everyone to share all expenses equally. Each vanpool can independently decide if one person gets a discounted rate based on their responsibilities to the group. However, these discounts will be managed by each vanpool group independently.
Maintenance can be completed at any Firestone, Goodyear, Pep Boys. or NTB. The location will bill Commute with Enterprise directly.
No. Each vanpool group will still log onto the Commute with Enterprise website to complete their monthly NTD reports. Reporting monthly qualifies the vanpool group to receive the subsidy from Trinity Metro.
The coordinator will be able to log into Commute with Enterprise on the 22nd of each month to view the upcoming month’s charges. Payment is due on the 5th of each month.
Everyone on the van will need to create a profile on Commute with Enterprise so that they can log in and pay their monthly portion themselves. Payments can also be mailed in to Commute with Enterprise.
Commute with Enterprise DFW at 214-688-8333, or email at Gp09@commutewithenterprise.com
Online you are able to use a Mastercard or Visa (debit or credit). You can also mail in a check or money order directly to Commute with Enterprise by the 5th of each month to Commute with Enterprise, 8200 John W. Carpenter Freeway, Suite 09VV, Dallas, TX 75247.