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Transit 101

Have you ever wanted to ride a Trinity Metro bus, Trinity metro TEXRail, Trinity Metro On-Demand or TRE train system but weren’t sure where to start? Trinity Metro’s award-winning Transit 101 takes the mystery out of riding the bus and train.

At these fun and engaging get-togethers, staff from Trinity Metro will teach you everything you need to know.

For more information, email

To see recorded Transit 101 sessions and “How To” videos, check out our PLAYLIST.


Planning a ride-along for your class or group? Fort Worth has many exciting places to explore, and we would be happy to help you plan the transportation and purchase of tickets.

Add to your adventure by riding scheduled Trinity Metro buses, trolleys and TRE trains. We can even teach your group how to ride in our Transit 101 program!

Simply decide when and where you want to take your class or group. Keep in mind this is not a special charter service. Your group will ride with other passengers. For more information, call  817-215-8600.

Park and Ride

Enjoy the benefits of public transportation by utilizing Trinity Metro’s park-and-ride locations. These convenient locations make it easy to choose public transit for your commute. Relax and enjoy the ride while saving money on gas without the added stress of driving and getting stuck in traffic.


Drive to one of the Trinity Metro bus or TRE rail parking lots across the city, park your car for free, and ride to your destination. Trinity Metro TEXRail parking has a 20-hour limit to allow for long shifts and overnight shifts for commuters. Free parking is available at seven of the nine Trinity Metro TEXRail stations – all locations except Fort Worth Central Station and DFW Airport Terminal B.

Park & Ride Locations

Bus Locations

North Park & Ride
10157 North Freeway
Fort Worth, TX 76177
Route 63 Express


South Park & Ride
151 E. Alsbury Blvd.
Fort Worth, TX 76028
Route 65 Express


Trinity Metro TEXRail Locations

Fort Worth T&P Station
221 W Lancaster Ave.
Fort Worth, TX 76102


Mercantile Center Station
4233 N Beach St.
Fort Worth, TX 76137


North Richland Hills / Smithfield Station
6420 Smithfield
North Richland Hills, TX 76182


DFW Airport North Station
1867 Dallas Road
Grapevine, TX 76051


North Side Station
2829 Decatur Ave.
Fort Worth, TX 76106


North Richland Hills / Iron Horse Station
6351 Iron Horse Boulevard
North Richland Hills, TX 76180


Grapevine / Main Street Station
801 S Main St.
Grapevine, TX 76051

TRE Locations

Fort Worth T&P Station
221 W Lancaster Ave.
Fort Worth, TX 76102



Trinity Lakes Station
7979 Trinity Blvd.
Fort Worth, TX  76118




Bell Station
3232 Bell Flight Blvd 
Hurst, TX 76053




CentrePort/DFW Airport Station
14470 Statler Blvd.
Fort Worth, TX 76155



Bike and Ride


Make your commute more enjoyable through a Rideshare program. Whether you choose a carpool or a vanpool, you will benefit by reducing congestion and saving time and money.

Your employer may also offer commuter benefits for using a Rideshare program. In most cases, the employer purchases a transit/vanpool pass or voucher from a local transit operator or voucher provider.

Track your contribution to our area’s alternative commute options by registering with the North Central Council of Governments (NCTCOG) TRY PARKING IT web page.

Try Parking It


A carpool is when two or more people share a ride in a car. Carpooling is simple, and can last as long as the participants desire. Carpools are based on sharing commute expenses. There are two basic types of carpool arrangements:

1. Poolers use one car owned by one driver. Drivers calculate their operating costs for the daily commute, then divides by the number of riders to determine how much each rider should contribute. The riders and driver agree to a periodic (daily, weekly, monthly) payment plan.

2. Poolers can rotate car use and driving so that each person’s vehicle and driving time are shared equally. No money is exchanged in this arrangement.

Many carpools begin quite informally between neighbors or coworkers.

Once commuters find someone whose schedules and locations are compatible, the next step is to meet the potential carpooler to discuss arrangements. Suggestion: Set a trial period of a week or so. Each individual carpooler can leave the pool during the trial period if they so desire. Once the carpool is set, courtesy dictates that participants who decide to leave give advance notice to their carpooling partners to minimize any inconvenience.

Other carpools are initiated with the help of employers and NCTCOG, who can match commuters based on work hours and geographic location.
