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TEXRail and Trinity Railway Express (TRE) service is restored

Trinity Metro TEXRail and Trinity Railway Express (TRE) were recently impacted by a network outage resulting from a fiber cable cut near a data center in Kansas City, Missouri.

Earlier today, rail operations teams were notified of a network outage impacting dispatch systems for both railways, causing a loss in communications between our operating center and the vehicles. Without this critical system in place, both commuter railroads suspended service for the safety of staff and customers.

As of 11 a.m., the network outage has been restored and rail operations systems are coming back online. 

“We are pleased to be able to resume service and that the issue has been resolved. With the network outage restored, we are able to once again operate Trinity Metro TEXRail and TRE safely for our employees and customers,” said Richard W. Andreski, Trinity Metro President and CEO. “I am impressed with our rail, bus, and customer service teams who rose to the occasion and were able to quickly address and resolve the problem while providing solutions and excellent customer service. It is a busy weekend around DFW. Public transportation is vital to our community and all those that plan to visit numerous special events or are commuting to employment. We are happy to see our services resume for the thousands of passengers who have made TEXRail and TRE part of their travel plans.”

Rail passengers may experience delays as the systems return. Crews will make adjustments as needed to return to the regular schedule. Trinity Metro ENVOY staff remain on-site to assist customers. Customers who continue to be impacted should call Trinity Metro Customer Care phone lines at 817-215-8600. Staff is on-hand to provide up-to-date information.

We appreciate our customers’ patience during this time.

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