Financial Information
The Annual Budget for fiscal year 2025 reflects the vision and strategic goals of Trinity Metro to provide effective multi-modal transportation.
The Annual Budget was adopted by the Board of Directors on Sept. 16, 2024 and includes the operating and capital budgets.
Title VI
Notice to Beneficiaries of Protection Under Title VI
This notice is provided in compliance with 49 CFR Section 21.9 (d).
Trinity Metro provides services and operates programs without regard to race, color, and national origin in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Non-Discrimination Notice
Notice to Beneficiaries of Protection Under Title VI & LEP Notice This notice is provided in compliance with 49 CFR Section 21.9 (d)
Non-discrimination Notice
Fort Worth Transportation Authority (FWTA), also known as Trinity Metro, provides services and operates programs without regard to race, color, and national origin in compliance with Title VI.
Request for Information
To request additional information about Trinity Metro’s non-discrimination obligations, send your written request to:
Trinity Metro
Attn: Phil Dupler, Director of Planning
801 Grove St.
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Complaint Process
As a member of the general public, if you desire to file a discrimination complaint under Title VI, the following procedure should be followed:
The complaint should be filed with:
Phil Dupler
Director of Planning
801 Grove St.
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Any person who believes he or she has been subjected to unlawful discrimination may directly file a complaint or use an authorized representative.
The complaint should at least include the following information:
Your name and address, and a telephone number where you may be reached during business hours;
A general description of the person(s) or class of persons injured by the alleged discriminatory act(s);
A description of the alleged discriminatory act(s) in sufficient detail to enable investigator(s) to understand what occurred, when it occurred, and the basis of the alleged discrimination complaint (race, color, or national origin);
The letter must be signed and dated by the person filing the complaint or by someone authorized to do so on his or her behalf.
Copies of the Title VI Complaint Form can be obtained by calling Customer Service at 817.215.8600.
ADA Policies and Procedures
To help serve our community, Trinity Metro TEXRail and all buses are wheelchair and ADA-accessible. ZIPZONE’s on-demand rideshare service also has vehicles for wheelchair and ADA accessibility.
Trinity Metro will provide reasonable modification to policies, practices, and procedures for customers with disabilities to ensure they can effectively use the agency’s transit services without discrimination on the basis of their disability.
Whenever feasible, individuals should make requests for modifications in advance of the date when the modified service is requested. The request should be specific as possible and include information on why the requested modification is needed in order to allow the individual to use the Trinity Metro’s services. Trinity Metro will make every effort to communicate determinations on modification requests in advance of when the service will be needed.
Where a request for modification cannot be made and determined in advance, such as if a barrier or condition exists on fixed route or paratransit service where an individual with a disability is unaware, a determination will be made at that time.
Reasonable modification requests will be granted unless they would result in a direct threat to safety, would constitute a fundamental alteration in the service, or are not necessary for the individual to access the requested service offered by Trinity Metro.
To request a modification/accommodation pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, or to obtain information about procedures to file a complaint, contact the Trinity Metro’s ADA Compliance Officer by postal mail, email or phone.
Trinity Metro Compliance Officer
Attn: ADA Compliance Officer
801 Grove Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102